Friday, July 27, 2007

Three books and my first article

I have always liked the stories which are near to the realities. Be it Ramu's movies, or book Malguri Days by R K Naraynan. I also liked the light and real looking articles by Karan thapar. So today when HR deptt. dropped a mail regarding the contest in the company for submitting articles for the monthly magazine, this idea of writing an article out of simple life experience popped up. I dont know how successful I am going to be. To be honest, I am not confident enough that this article of mine is going to be selected. But I really wanted to write anything. So I chose my blog. No one can stop or reject this article here. (He hee)

For that matter, I chose a topic that just happened to me and also brought some changes in my life. Just a small story how I fell in love with books.

Japneet singh my roommate at Mohali would always read something or another. From taking spritual books to toilet to reading novels. He would read after
toiling in office before computer and then going to bus stand for paronthas at 1:00 am in the morning and still manage to read somehting at 2 am. I wondered how he had so much of energy. But he would read somehting, be it even 3-4 pages a day.

Then one day, I got my hands on one of the books in his collection on one of the boring weekends. "Five point someone" by chetan bhagat. The author summarizes it well -"What not to do at IIT"

It was just the one without any big words, unrealistic ideas. Just a simple, close to reality book. I bet, if you hate reading books, try this one. You will fall in love with them. A very true combination of three personalities. I do not want to tell the entire story so that your fun is not spoilt if you decide to read this book. The every scene in the story seems so real that you can visualize it. This book is so special for me because it helped me revive my love for stories and books.

The love that was an embryo in my childhood when I would walk 3km to get comics on cheaper rent. I would sit on the small space before the houses in front of comics lender. The shopkeeper would then charget 50 paisa instead of 1Rs. In turn I had to return the comics just after reading that. Sometimes I would bring as many as 6 comics at one time. The lucky day when I 6-7 Rs gathered by applying too many "schemes". Anyway, so lost love was found with this book and I finished this book in one night and next half day. Though I slept in between.

Now after 2yrs of findng my lost love, I feel that the books open you up to large treasur of ideas so that you enjoyed your life to the fullest. Good written books alway impact your personality and life. I too read one of the very good books "How to speak publicly and win friends". Though good to learn a few things, but it brings some sort of Hypocrisy in you in the beginning. It takes you some time to analyse your behaviour and get out of it on reading good books.

I had gone to sector 17 market in chandigarh, a popular place referred as "Geri Route" (Where you can see too many girls"). Vineet sadhu and one more guy was there. Who this another guy was, I am unable to recall. In sector-17, you would find big shops with big brand names. Samething with the books. Chandigarh people too generally prefer brands. Though there is a huge rush in "Rehri Market" in sector-22 too. Both of these places are the favourite "Gheri Routes". So no wonder that the business of the book sellers who sell pirated books goes well. I remember I bought "The Google story" original edition for around 500 bucks. And saw same book for paltry 120 Rs. with one of the sellers. They would spread a bedsheet on road and then put books in a nice way. These are generally the best sellers. So, If you pick any one of these from them, it's likely that you have chosen a good one.

Seldom shll I go especially for buying books. On this occasion too we had gone to these "Gheri routes" when I just leaned on the books on the road side at sector-17. I was just surfing when I saw this book. With a gloomy picture of a lonely girl and title embossed "Veronika decides to die" by Paulo Chohelo. My sixth sense said that this book was going to be unique and near to reality once again.

"Veronika decides to die", the first around 10 pages depicts the thoughts of a girl who has decided to suicide. These thoughts the author has put in such a beautiful way. And surprisingly these are the thoughts that came in Veronika's wandering mind in two to three minutes. The end of the book is fantastic climax. I again abstain from telling the story to avoid spoiling your fun. But after reading the book I found myself ushered to new way of life. I wonder how a simple book like this can impact your life. The life that is sans hypcrisy, that lets you enjoy life without caring what others will feel and say. I feel that though I have not been able to do this to the fullest but some voice within me says "Do it, F*** the world if it resists, for you are not going to live for long".

Something off the track, before going to the last book. What all thought are going through my mind right now. One, I have found that putting personal thing on net can casue problems for you. Especially marriage. Though I am not a criminal sort, but still something at the back of mind says, newspapers and police may also use it to track your psychology. I know this is coming because one part of my mind says "Do not expose personal things" and second says "Do it, F*** the world". Another thing that I have got a little emotional. This big article is surely not going to be accepted. Also I am going to drop the idea, since this has got too much personal stuff. May be my friends especially my younger brother is going to ask me in a taunting way what all I wrote . (Even I would have done the same thing he he he).

Coming back to the third book. I thought of putting "Malguri Landscapes" as my third favourite book in the beginning, but as I went along writing, I discovered that "The Google story" changed my life more though I like Malguri Landscapes more. So "Google story"

I was surfing through review of new books in newspapers when I found the summary of the book. I want to be an enterpreneur, so I was eager to know what all the two guys just in theier 20's did to become so successful. Everytime I would go to Sector -17, chandigarh, I would ask for a pirated copy of "The Google story". I tried even the branded shops, but to no avail.

I had gone to Delhi for visa, when I decided to try for "The Google Story" from Nayee sarak. My father was also in Delhi. We both went their. And as it happens with me for books and clothes, I buy somthing and everything unplanned. So I bought books worth around 4000/= including "The Google Story". This is a book about two Genius. I would say that read this book slowly, It is a book that one should seek to have maximum impact from for having a successful career.

I dont remember Sergey Brin or Larry page said it "To be successful You have to be freak enough to say that I can do the impossible". These are not the exact words. I am sure these would have looked better had I put the actual ones. It's again a book close to reality. It's kind of "Making of an era". The second part tells you that if you are admamant to give, you are bound to succeed. I found that the "More one enjoys his work, more one gives to the world more one is destined to be successful". This I mean in the true professional and selfish context and not the spritual one.

So, I have dropped the idea of sending it to Karishma(HR), though I enjoyed a lot. I am not sure whether anyone is going to read this article till the end. But I really enjoyed talking to me. Also it has proved to be an article that reveals my personality, my psychology and everything but it's still not the kind that I would like to hide at any cost. I hope this is going to be beginning and I would one day dare to write about the darkest side of my personality.